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        1. 歡迎進(jìn)入彭城教育網(wǎng) 徐州校園速遞!
          您現在的位置是:彭城教育網(wǎng) > 校聞速遞 > 徐州市星光小學(xué)榮盛城分校英語(yǔ)悅讀達人秀·國際勞動(dòng)節
          信息來(lái)自:彭城教育網(wǎng)    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-04-26 11:32:00    閱讀量:92次
            My name is Miao runxi, from Class 8, grade 4, I am a lively, enthusiastic, studious 10-year-old boy. My hobbies are English dubbing, computer programming and go. I like English very much at school and study hard. In my spare time, I will watch some English books and Film documentaries to improve my English ability. I think English is not only a subject, a tool, it can help us to open the door to new knowledge, to understand different cultures and ideas. Look forward to the students and I exchange learning, let us progress together happy.
            我叫苗潤熹,來(lái)自四年級8班,是一個(gè)活潑、熱情、好學(xué)的10歲男孩。我的愛(ài)好是英語(yǔ)配音,計算機編程和圍棋。在學(xué)校我非常喜歡英語(yǔ)并且努力學(xué)習。在業(yè)余時(shí)間,我會(huì )看一些英語(yǔ)書(shū)籍和電影紀錄片來(lái)提高我的英語(yǔ)能力。我認為英語(yǔ)不僅僅是一門(mén)學(xué)科,一種工具,它可以幫助我們打開(kāi)通往新認知的大門(mén),了解不同的文化和思想。期待同學(xué)們和我一起交流學(xué)習,讓我們共同快樂(lè )進(jìn)步。
            International Labor Day, also known as May Day, can be traced back to the struggles of workers to improve working conditions and rights. It reminds people of the importance and value of labor. Over time, it has become a symbol of solidarity among workers worldwide and an important holiday on a global scale. On this day, various activities were organized around the world, and in China, we have a 5 day public holiday.
            Labor Day is a day when we pay tribute to every hardworking person. .It reminds us that work is important ,Work is not only a means of earning a living, but also a source of pride and fulfillment. It allows us to develop our skills, contribute to society, and achieve our goals and it makes our lives better.
            勞動(dòng)節,是我們向每一位辛勤工作者致敬的日子。它提醒我們工作很重要,工作不僅是謀生的手段,也是自豪感和滿(mǎn)足感的來(lái)源。它使我們能夠發(fā)展自己的技能,為社會(huì )做出貢獻,并實(shí)現我們的目標并讓我們的生活更美好。
            Labor is glorious, Around us, there are countless workers who use their own hands and wisdom to bring convenience and comfort to our lives.Our parents, they work hard to provide us with a warm home; our teachers, they teach tirelessly, leading us to the hall of knowledge; and those doctors, police, and firefighters, they silently guard our safety and health.
            As students, we are also laborers, and we can also learn the value of hard work. We can start by doing our chores at home helping our parents,experience the joy of labor; at school, we must actively participate in labor activities to develop our sense of responsibility and spirit of cooperation. We work hard to study, arm ourselves with knowledge and skills, and lay a solid foundation for future labor. We should cherish the opportunity to learn and cultivate our spirit of labor.
            作為學(xué)生,我們也是勞動(dòng)者,我們也可以學(xué)習努力工作的價(jià)值。我們可以從在家做家務(wù)開(kāi)始幫助父母,體驗勞動(dòng)的快樂(lè );在學(xué)校,我們要積極參加勞動(dòng)活動(dòng),培養自己的責任感和合作精神。我們努力學(xué)習,用知識和技能武裝自己,為將來(lái)的勞動(dòng)打下堅實(shí)的基礎。我們要珍惜學(xué)習的機會(huì ),培養自己的勞動(dòng)精神。
            Let us take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the workers who make our lives better and contribute to the progress of our society. Whether it's taking a few days off to relax or gathering together to celebrate, promote the spirit of labor together,use our efforts and sweat to contribute to the prosperity of the motherland.

            讓我們借此機會(huì )向所有讓我們的生活更美好并為我們社會(huì )的進(jìn)步做出貢獻的工人表示感謝。無(wú)論是休息幾天放松還是聚在一起慶祝,共同弘揚勞動(dòng)精神,用我們的努力和汗水,為祖國的繁榮做出貢獻。


            Finally, let us wish all laborers a happy holiday together! Thank you all for listening!
            最后,讓我們共同祝愿所有的勞動(dòng)者節日快樂(lè )!謝謝大家的聆聽(tīng)!










          • 徐州
          • 云飛小學(xué)校園開(kāi)放日
          • 徐州市中小學(xué)生藝術(shù)展演聲樂(lè )專(zhuān)場(chǎng)暨徐州市第三節中小學(xué)生合唱藝術(shù)節
          • 國樂(lè )之美閃耀童年——徐師一附小民樂(lè )團參加全國中小學(xué)生藝術(shù)展演徐州現場(chǎng)
          • 江蘇省義務(wù)教育信息科技教材培訓
          • 追夢(mèng)韶華 行遠思恩——徐州市云龍區太行路幼兒園2024屆大班畢業(yè)典禮



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