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        1. 歡迎進(jìn)入彭城教育網(wǎng) 徐州校園速遞!
          您現在的位置是:彭城教育網(wǎng) > 小學(xué)教育 > 徐州市星光小學(xué)榮盛城分校英語(yǔ)“悅讀”達人秀·清明
          信息來(lái)自:彭城教育網(wǎng)    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-04-03 11:12:00    閱讀量:2071次
            My name is Zhou Enyu, I am 11 years old. I have a happy home, Mom and Dad love me very much. I have a lively brother who plays with me and learns English with me.
            I have many hobbies, such as reading, drawing and singing. I like reading English picture books, such as the Oxford Tree. Books are the ladder of human progress, reading makes me increase my knowledge. 
            Language learning enables me to appreciate the differences of different ethnic groups. Through reading the original English books, I can broaden my vision and see a different world. I hope everyone can be friends with books, and take reading for pleasure.

            清明的由來(lái)The Origin of Qingming Festival
            Qingming Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, dated between the fifth day and the seventh day of the fourth lunar month.From the date temperatures begin to rise and rainfall increases. It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing.
            However, it is not merely a seasonal symbol. It is also a day to pay respect to the dead. People around China commemorated deceased relatives and friends as the Qingming Festival begins.
            清明節不僅是一個(gè)紀念逝者的日子,也是人們娛樂(lè )的日子。三月,大自然換上新裝,樹(shù)木變綠,鮮花盛開(kāi),陽(yáng)光明媚,正是一個(gè)外出欣賞大自然美景的好時(shí)機。春游不僅能給生活增添樂(lè )趣,而且有助于身心健康。
            Qingming Festival is not only a day for commemorating the dead but also a time for people to get pleasure. Throughout March, everything in nature takes on a new look trees turning green, flowers blossoming and also the sun shining brightly. It is a fine time to go out and to appreciate the stunning scenes of nature. Spring outings can not only add fun to our lives but also benefit us physically and mentally.
            清明的習俗The Custom of Qingming Festival
            The main customs of Tomb-Sweeping Day include ancestor worship and grave sweeping, outing and so on.
            祭祖掃墓是最為重要的習俗之一,人們會(huì )到祖先的墓地上,表達對祖先的敬意和感激之情。
            Ancestor worship and tomb sweeping is one of the most important customs. People will go to the graves of their ancestors to express their respect and gratitude to their ancestors.
            Outing is a warm activity for people to go out in spring, enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax.
            Therefore, this festival is not only the new grave of the sad tears, and the laughter of outing to play, is a distinctive festival.
            Qingming represents the best time of spring scenery. Sacrificing to ancestors during such wonderful time showcases the importance of inheritance in Chinese people’s mind. Thanks to such awareness of inheritance Chinese culture has always maintained the vitality for thousands of years.










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