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          您現在的位置是:彭城教育網(wǎng) > 本地資訊 > 【星光·榮盛·雙減】英語(yǔ)悅讀達人秀 · 用英語(yǔ)講好中國文化——元宵節
          【星光·榮盛·雙減】英語(yǔ)悅讀達人秀 · 用英語(yǔ)講好中國文化——元宵節
          信息來(lái)自:彭城教育網(wǎng)    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-02-26 15:16:00    閱讀量:11637次


            My name isZhouRunze, I am 11 years old.I come from Xuzhou. I have a lovely sisterwho plays with me and learns Englishwith me.

            Ilike reading.I began to read since I was a child, my mother prepared different kinds of books for me. My favorite is the encyclopedia books, such as Animal Encyclopedia . There are also English picture books, such as the Oxford Tree. Books are the ladder of human progress, reading makes me increase my knowledge.

            Language learning enables me to appreciate the differences of different ethnic groups. Learning English well can help more people understand traditional Chinese culture.



            元宵節的由來(lái)The Origin of Lantern Festival

            The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival that is celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month.It is the first full moon of the new year, symbolizing unity and perfection.

            As early as in the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC —— 25 A.D.), it became an important festival.The arrival of the Lantern Festival also marks the end of the Spring Festival.



            元宵節的習俗The Custom ofLantern Festival

            During the Lantern Festival, people hold a variety of folk activities, watching the moon, watching lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, fireworks, dragon lantern dance, lion dance, land boat running, walking on stilts, yangko dance, universal celebration, happy and harmonious. The Lantern Festival has also become one of the most lively among many traditional Chinese festivals, which can be called the "Carnival" in China.

            在元宵節期間,人們舉行各種民俗活動(dòng),賞月、觀(guān)花燈、猜燈謎、放煙花、舞龍燈、舞獅子、跑旱船、踩高蹺、扭秧歌,普天同慶,其樂(lè )融融。元宵節也成為中國諸多傳統節日當中最熱鬧的一個(gè),可以稱(chēng)為中國的“狂歡節”。

            Yuanxiao is the special food for the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao is made of glutinous rice, or solid, or with stuffing, filled with bean paste, white sugar, hawthorn, all kinds of fruit ingredients, etc. Cook, fried and steamed. At first, people called this kind of food "floating yuanzi", and later called tang tuan or tangyuan. These names are similar to the word "reunion", taking the meaning of reunion, symbolizing the whole family reunion, harmony and happiness.

            元宵是元宵節的特色美食,民間過(guò)元宵節都會(huì )吃元宵。元宵由糯米制成,或實(shí)心,或帶餡,餡有豆沙、白糖、山楂、各類(lèi)果料等。食用時(shí)煮、炸、蒸皆可。起初,人們把這種食物叫作“浮圓子”,后來(lái)又叫湯團或湯圓,這些名稱(chēng)與“團圓”字音相近,取團圓之意,象征全家人團團圓圓,和睦幸福。


            Wishing you peace, joy and happiness and everything all the best through Lantern !

            在元宵節來(lái)臨之際,祝你平安,快樂(lè ),幸福。萬(wàn)事圓!










          • 徐州
          • 云飛小學(xué)校園開(kāi)放日
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          • 國樂(lè )之美閃耀童年——徐師一附小民樂(lè )團參加全國中小學(xué)生藝術(shù)展演徐州現場(chǎng)
          • 江蘇省義務(wù)教育信息科技教材培訓
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